miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Transgénicos y hormonas causan calvicie y desviaciones sexuales: Evo Morales

Muere el capitalismo o muere el planeta", dice al inaugurar conferencia mundial

Transgénicos y hormonas causan calvicie y desviaciones sexuales: Evo Morales

Llama el presidente boliviano a construir un socialismo en armonía con la madre tierra

Abuchean a la secretaria ejecutiva de la Cepal que leyó un mensaje de Ban Ki-moon

Celebración de un ritual de la madre tierra (pachamama en aymara) en Tiquipaya, localidad boliviana vecina de Cochabamba, acto paralelo a la inauguración de la Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos sobre el Cambio Climático y la Madre TierraFoto Reuters
Rosa Rojas
Corresponsal y agencias
Periódico La Jornada
Miércoles 21 de abril de 2010, p. 31

Tiquipaya, Bolivia, 20 de abril. El presidente boliviano, Evo Morales, al reiterar sus críticas a los transgénicos e insuflados a base de hormonas sintéticas y químicos, aseveró hoy que el uso de éstos provoca aceleraciones irregulares en las mujeres al comenzar su adolescencia, calvicie, y en el sector masculino, desviaciones en su ser como hombres, además de recomendar beber chicha de maíz en lugar de Coca Cola, durante la inauguración de la primera Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos sobre el Cambio Climático y los Derechos de la Madre Tierra ante delegaciones de 129 países de los cinco continentes.

El pollo que comemos está cargado de hormonas femeninas, por eso cuando los hombres lo comen tienen desviaciones en su ser como hombre, sostuvo Morales en su discurso de cerca de un ahora, de acuerdo con la estatal Agencia Bolivariana de Información (ABI).

Al referirse a la calvicie, indicó que ésta se puede observar más en Europa.La calvicie, que parece normal, es una enfermedad en Europa, donde casi todos son calvos, y ello es por las cosas que comen, mientras que en los pueblos indígenas no hay calvos, porque nuestra alimentación es diferente, explicó.

Anécdota sobre la Coca Cola

"Les cuento una anécdota sobre la Coca Cola, que todos tomamos, lamentablemente: cuando se tapa el inodoro, ¿qué es lo que hacemos?: llamar al plomero, al experto, sin embargo, éste con sus herramientas no puede resolver el problema, y nos pide: 'dame cinco bolivianos'. ¿Para qué?, para comprar Coca Cola, la vierte, pasan minutos, y queda destapado el baño", describió.

ABI refirió que luego de representar, por momentos en tono de broma, las enfermedades que provoca la ingestión de alimentos manipulados genéticamente, Morales pidió rectificar los usos culturales y sujetarlos a los saberes ancestrales de los pueblos originarios del planeta.

"Estamos reunidos aquí para recuperar, revalorizar la vivencia de los movimientos sociales del mundo, pero especialmente el movimiento indígena originario como una verdadera alternativa a los modelos de desarrollo. Como vengo de este sector importante quiero aprovechar la vivencia de nuestros antepasados, la experiencia sobre la vida, la tierra, más conocida en Bolivia como pachamama, o por los científicos, historiadores, sociólogos, antropólogos: el planeta Tierra", afirmó.

Abogó por la construcción de unsocialismo comunitario en armonía con la tierra, y sostuvo: El nuevo sistema socialista comunitario eliminará toda forma de colonialismo, imperialismo y asegurará la paz entre los pueblos y con la madre tierra. Subrayó que capitalismo es sinónimo de inanición, desigualdad y destrucción, por lo que planteó: o muere el capitalismo o muere la Tierra.

Cambiar el modelo capitalista y no el clima para salvar el planeta y con él la vida, fue la consigna del anfitrión aymara al hablar en Tiquipaya, vecino de Cochabamba, en el corazón de Bolivia, donde se congregan más de 20 mil personas para debatir durante tres días en representación de pueblos indígenas, movimientos sociales y delegaciones gubernamentales.

El mandatario boliviano señaló que si en la conferencia sobre el cambio climático de Copenhague que se realizó en diciembre del año pasado, los países desarrollados hubieran cumplido sus compromisos de reducción de emisiones de gases de invernadero como lo exige el Protocolo de Kioto para disminuir el calentamiento global,esta conferencia no se habría realizado.

Morales resaltó que los resultados de este encuentro deberían ser tomados en cuenta y respetados en la próxima conferencia sobre cambio climático de la ONU, a realizarse en México en noviembre. En ese tenor, llamó a los pueblos del mundo a organizarse para salvar al planeta, a gestar un gran movimiento intercontinental en defensa de los derechos de la madre tierra.

En paralelo se realizó un ritual ancestral de la pachamama, precedido por el canto de la ministra boliviana de Cultura, Zulma Yugar.

Entre los objetivos de esta conferencia mundial, dividida en 17 mesas de diálogo y discusión, están las siguientes: profundizar el tema del Protocolo de Kioto –sobre gases invernadero–, creación de un Tribunal de Justicia Climática, llevar a cabo un referéndum mundial encaminado a frenar el calentamiento global y la formación de una organización paralela a la ONU sobre estos temas.

La conferencia no estuvo exenta de incidentes. Una lluvia de abucheos y rechiflas provocó entre los delegados el mensaje enviado por el secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, que fue leído por la mexicana Alicia Bárcena, en rechazo al papel que ha desempeñado ese organismo frente al cambio climático en el mundo.

Bárcena, secretaria ejecutiva de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal), agradeció a Morales la organización de esta conferencia. Aseveró que la ONU va a escuchar a todos los pueblos que tanto tienen que enseñar sobre la vida en armonía con la naturaleza, a lo que el público replicó con gritos dementirosa, vete, por lo que tuvo que acortar su mensaje.

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Por la vida del planeta azul

Por la vida del planeta azul
Granma Internacional
Si algo no sobra es optimismo en cuanto a las posibilidades de alcanzar
este año un pacto contra el calentamiento global. Entre aquellos con esa
certeza se ...
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CapitolDC's Walk-Walkers
In a town of Talk-Talk, here are 10 who walk the walk for bioenergy, renewables

In Washington, a group of Midwestern senators, headlined by Charles Grassley of Iowa and Kent Conrad of North Dakota, just introduced a Senate bill supporting the extension of the ethanol blender tax credit, as well as the ethanol tariff.

It raises the question, who are walk-walkers in the US government - who "walk the walk, not just talk the talk" on renewables and bioenergy.

A cursory survey of 435 congressional and 100 Senatorial websites will find the talk on for energy independence is tough and universal, but not always reflected in action and votes. Out of the 535 talk-talkers in Congress (and a lot more in the executive branch), here are some walk-walkers of note.

1. President Barack Obama. Republicans sense opportunity in the fall, but despite pressure from environmentalists to dump (and dump on) biofuels, be in no doubt - when biofuels received a huge expansion of R&D and commercialization support via the Recovery Act despite the "food vs fuel" theatrics of 2008/09, "No drama Obama" was driving policy.

2. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.Though Digest readers voted Secretary of Energy Steven Chu ahead of the Agriculture Secretary, Vilsack has been quietly assuming the lead on bioenergy development as part of the USDA's mission to promote rural economic development, as well as develop new markets for US farm products, The USDA has assumed the responsibility for moving the biofuels industry from the R&D stage to commercialization, and three new programs announced by the Secretary this week are proof positive that the USDA is on the move.

More Walk-Walkers at the White House, and in Congress, at biofuelsdigest.com.
Green Trackers
Producer News

In New York
, the Codexis IPO prices today, and the CDXS stock will commence trading tomorrow when NASDAQ opens. It's the most widely-anticipated IPO - in fact the only bioenergy IPO - in a month of Sundays. What have we learned?  1. The stock, according to well-placed Digest sources, is doing "very well", and expectations may well be for a strong open on Thursday. 2. Seven other IPOs hit the market this week - so watch out, day traders, the initial market may well be tapped in terms of absorbing the new equities and a short-term price dip may be experienced. More on lessons learned at biofuelsdigest.com.

"When in doubt, we go to the experts, who allegedly know more than we do," writes Dr. Rosalie Lober in a column on Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, "The Future's Not Ours To See...Que Sera, Sera." In the next few columns, we will learn about the man who President Obama determined as the U.S. global representative, at a time when energy policy is perhaps more critical for the world's sustainability than ever before."

Biofuels Bits:In California,Pacific Ethanol announced that it has filed an amended restructuring plan, which would transfer ownership of the company's four ethanol plants to a new company, New PEH. Also in California, AE Biofuels reports that it is on track to commence production of cellulosic ethanol in 2011at the former Cilion corn ethanol plant in Sacramento.
Biofuels International
World Opinion

Patrick Westhoff, in the New York Times:"Even though China is self-sufficient in many major food commodities today, it has been a major player in world markets in the past, and will be again in the future. In the case of corn, for example, China has sometimes been the second leading exporter in the world, but it has occasionally also been a significant importer. Just the rumor of potential Chinese corn imports can send prices in futures markets soaring."

From AFP: "The US Department of Defense accounts for 80 percent of the US government's total energy consumptionenergy needs, and most of the energy it uses currently comes from fossil fuels, the report by the Pew Research think tank's Project on National Security, Energy and Climate says...The navy has set itself a key goal of getting 50 percent of fuel used ashore and afloat from non-fossil sources by 2020.
International News

In Honduras, the Agroipsa Farm in Choluteca has deployed the BEI Jatropha Wave Harvester,a mechanical harvesting system for jatropha which has successfully completed an eight-month trial of the system, according to BEI International, the harvester's manufacturer. the system was used for mechanical harvest of a 550 hectare plantation of three-year old jatriopha.

In Namibia, a report on LL Biofuels Namibia said that the company has secured rights to plant jatrophaon as much as 300,000 hectares controlled by the Caprivi Regional Council and the Namibia Development Corporation, and said it would proceed to develop as much as 20,000 hectares in the first phase of development. The group, backed by Israeli investor Lev Leviev.

In Tanzania, a statement issued by an EU delegation in Dar es Salaam, criticizing an ActionAid studyon the impact of biofuels production as "substantially flawed," has prompted a swift rebuke from ActionAid. The NGO continues to state that the acquisition of prime land by European companies in Tanzania for biofuels cultivation violates a national Tanzanian policy that biofuels should only be cultivated on marginal lands.
Research News

In Michigan, researchers at the University of Michigan are investigating a recipe to pressure-cook algaeat 300 degrees for 30 minutes, and thereby break down oils, proteins and carbohydrates into a bio-oil, which can be upgraded into fuel. The $2 million project, funded by the National Science Foundation under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, is aimed at producing acceptable fuel yields from low-oil content algae strains, as well as eliminating the need for water extraction in algal fuel production.
Camelina Aviation Biofuels Study

Camelina report1 billion gallons of Camelina biofuel are projected to be produced for the aviation and biodiesel sectors by 2025, creating 25,000 new jobs; producing over $5.5 billion in new revenues and $3.5 billion in new agricultural income for U.S. and Canadian farmers.  The projections are contained in "Camelina Aviation Biofuels Market Opportunity and Renewable Energy Strategy Report," released today by Biomass Advisors, the research division of Biofuels Digest.

"Camelina Aviation Biofuels Market Opportunity and Renewable Energy Strategy Report," is 116 pages, and includes more than 60 figures, tables and charts, along with regional crop forecast maps for visualizing business opportunities and planning infrastructure needs.  The report is available for a purchase price of $695.  More information here.
YouChu Energy Project Competition

YouChu 2010 voting is continuing, and today is the final day for voting before eliminations begin in our mythical competitionwhere you choose which of 33 projects should receive Federal funding. 18 projects actually given integrated bioenergy awards by Energy Secretary Chu, and 15 alternative projects submitted by bioenergy developers. You favorite may be 'on the bubble' for elimination - starting tomorrow, we'll drop one per day until we have a set of winners - so make sure to vote.
Policy and Policymakers

In Washington, Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa and Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota are co-sponsors of a Senate billto extend ethanol tax credits through 2015, with no change in support levels. Blender credits would be set at $0.45 per gallon for corn ethanol, $0.10 as an added small ethanol producers credit, and $1.01 per gallon. The ethanol tariff would also be extended for five years. All of the credits are scheduled to expire December 31st.
Consumer, Fleet, Event News

In Washington,"The Ethanol Report," an audio service from the publishers of Domestic Fuel, published an audio interviewwith Renewable Fuels Association Director of Market Development Robert White regarding promotional efforts at RFA to assist withe ethanol blend wall issues. White highlights the BYO Ethanol program to get blender pumps installed, and efforts to encourage E15 ethanol blends in non flex-fuel vehicles.
Advanced Biofuels Tracking Database and 100+ Free Downloads

Exclusive to Digest subscribers - and free. 100+ downloads.

1. Advanced Biofuels Tracking Database - download your free copy, tracking 65+ pilot, demo and commercial projects.
2. Biofuels Investments details 81 investments made in 2009 by biofuels companies or in the biofuels sector, totaling $8.737 billion in 18 countries.
3. Biofuels Jobs
details a series of studies outling the impact of biofuels on the green jobs economy.
Financial News

The Biofuels Digest Index™(BDI), a basket of public biofuels stocks, jumped 1.67 percent to 69.38 on large cap gains. For the day, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) soared 2.34 percent to $28.92, while BP gained 1.68 percent to $60.48. Among smaller caps, Syntec Biofuel (SYBF.OB) fell 35.99 percent to $0.25. Overall, advances led declines 5 to 4 for the day.
Hot Topics from Past Issues

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:pilot, demonstration, and commercial scale facilities
The National Energy Solution: an inquiry into values:
Download a free introductory chapter of the new book from Biofuels Digest.
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The 10 Most Overlooked
Stories of the Year
Free PDF of "Citizen Cane: Essays for New Days in Bioenergy" - featuring the best Digest columns since 2007 (plus originals) - available free only to Digest subscribers.
These stories and more are available at BiofuelsDigest.com. Your comments and story requests are warmly welcome: email me at jlane@biofuelsdigest.com.

Disclosure: I do not own any renewable energy securities; no payments or compensation of any kind is received in return for placing favorable opinion in the Digest - Jim Lane, Editor and Publisher, Biofuels Digest.

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